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M7 Strut Tower Brace (R52 & R53 "S" Models) - 53-5M7102

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MSRP: $498.33
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M7 Strut Tower Brace (R52 & R53 "S" Models) - 53-5M7102

M7 Strut Tower Brace (R52 & R53 "S" Models) - 53-5M7102

MSRP: $498.33
(You save $74.75 )


If you are concerned about strut tower mushrooming and looking for improved handing, then the M7 Strut Tower Brace (STB) is the answer.
This is the ONLY strut tower brace on the market that features anti-mushrooming technology.

Over and over we've heard the same complaint: the strut towers mushroom after heavy impacts from the shocks and low aspect ratio tires. At first glance the shock towers take on a barely visible convex shape, but if you compare it to the original sheet metal, you would find the horizontal plane has been moved as much as 3/8" upwards, throwing the suspension out of any possible alignment fix.

The problem will most likely show up as a slight pull either left or right depending on which strut tower is buckled. The end mounting plates of the M7 Strut Tower Brace will solve this problem by sandwiching the sheet metal and shock top plate, creating a reinforced surface that will not bend, even during hard impacts.

The M7 STB features 1/2" (13mm) thick end plates that add extra strength to the strut towers and prevent mushrooming and potentially costly repairs. The cross brace greatly improves handling by adding torsional stiffness to the front body structure. This helps keep your tire planted on the ground and pointed in the direction you want to go, especially during hard turns. Machined from billet aluminum and matte black powder coated, the M7 Strut Tower brace features a durable black finish that looks great and will not chip or oxidize.

We have customers that won't drive their new MINI off the lot without one and dealers that sell every new MINI with either the M7 Strut Reinforcement Plates or M7 Strut Tower Brace.

Concerned about clearance? No worries. The M7 STB profile is designed to clear both stock and aftermarket cold air intakes & ECUs. The strut tower brace's modular design allows easy access to the oil filter or any other accessories that might normally be blocked and require removal of the entire brace.

Installation is a snap (often taking less than 20 minutes)! No need for new nuts - the brace uses the three stock nuts on each side. Installation instructions available online by simply clicking the "INSTALLATION" link on this page.

The M7 Strut Reinforcement Plates and the M7 Strut Tower Brace are two separate products that have the same function in regards to strut tower mushrooming (you only need one or the other).

  • If your MINI is mainly a daily driver, the M7 Strut Re-Inforcement Plates are sufficient for your needs. 
  • If you have performance driving in mind, the M7 Strut Tower Brace is what you're looking for!

Please note:

  • You cannot buy the SRPs and attach the cross-bar at a later time. 
  • The brace does not fit on the R50 and  R52 Non-"S" Cooper due to limited hood clearance of the non supercharged cars. M7 suggests the SRP (Strut Reinforcement Plates) for this application.
  • Trimming of the underhood insulation material may be required to 100% clear this brace. This is a very tight space.

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