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WeatherTech 2015+ Mini Hardtop Rear FloorLiner - Black (2 Piece Liner) - 447912

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WeatherTech 2015+ Mini Hardtop Rear FloorLiner - Black (2 Piece Liner) - 447912

WeatherTech 2015+ Mini Hardtop Rear FloorLiner - Black (2 Piece Liner) - 447912



The WeatherTech FloorLiner DigitalFit accurately and completely lines the interior carpet giving "absolute interior protection". Digital laser measurements of interior surfaces offer a consistently perfect fit. A patent pending HighDensity TriExtruded (HDTE) material allows for a rigid core for strength while offering surface friction to the carpet, as well as tactile feel to the surface. Advanced surfacing creates channels that carry fluids and debris to a lower reservoir with further channeling to help minimize fluid movement while driving. Once fluids become trapped in the reservoir, away from shoes and clothing, they are easily removed from the WeatherTech FloorLiner DigitalFit over the door sill. No muss-no fuss. 3 year warranty.
Installation Instructions
Installation Instructions

This Part Fits:

2015MiniCooperCoupe John Cooper Works
2015MiniCooperCoupe S
2015-2020MiniCooperJohn Cooper Works
2015MiniCooperRoadster John Cooper Works
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2023-2024MiniCooper CountrymanALL4
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2023-2024MiniCooper CountrymanS
2023-2024MiniCooper CountrymanS ALL4
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Vehicle Fitment

This Part Fits:

2015MiniCooperCoupe John Cooper Works
2015MiniCooperCoupe S
2015-2020MiniCooperJohn Cooper Works
2015MiniCooperRoadster John Cooper Works
2015MiniCooperRoadster S
2023-2024MiniCooper CountrymanALL4
2023-2024MiniCooper CountrymanBase
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2023-2024MiniCooper CountrymanS
2023-2024MiniCooper CountrymanS ALL4
2023-2024MiniCooper CountrymanS E ALL4

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