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Lower Cold Side Intercooler Elbow | Choose from 4 Colors

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MSRP: $114.17
(You save $36.54 )
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  • Lower Cold Side Intercooler Elbow | Black
  • Lower Cold Side Intercooler Elbow | Red
  • Lower Cold Side Silicone Elbow - Blue
  • Lower Cold Side Intercooler Elbow | Green
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Lower Cold Side Intercooler Elbow | Choose from 4 Colors

Lower Cold Side Intercooler Elbow | Choose from 4 Colors

MSRP: $114.17
(You save $36.54 )

Lower Cold Side Intercooler Elbow | Choose from 4 Colors

MSRP: $114.17
(You save $36.54 )
  • Lower Cold Side Intercooler Elbow | Black
  • Lower Cold Side Intercooler Elbow | Red
  • Lower Cold Side Silicone Elbow - Blue
  • Lower Cold Side Intercooler Elbow | Green


Availabe in Four Colors: BLACK | RED | BLUE | GREEN

The Cold Side Lower Intercooler Elbow is made for all Generation 2 MINI Coopers (R55 through R61) with a 1.6 liter turbocharged engine (N14 or N18). This OE replacement elbow is made from the same high quality four-ply fabric reinforced 100% silicone material. While the shape and size match the factory part the M7 elbow differs in design to hold much higher boost pressures than the factory part and is much more resistant to the elements.  It stronger and lasts laonger than the OE part.

This is a direct factory OE replacement part with no modifications required for installation. It replaces the OE rubber elbow that fails over time because of age, reaction with oils, high boost applications and environmental damage or punctures from underbody run-ins with road hazards.  Perfect for high performance MINIs who are running increased boost.  Designed to withstand up to 58 PSI [4.0 BAR] of charge air pressure. The kit comes complete with one silicone elbow and two high quality lined stainless steel clamps.   The elbow is easy to install by any moderately skilled DIY car enthusiast using basic hand tools.


  • Direct bolt-on OE replacement. No modifications required.
  • OE part is not available from MINI
  • Four ply 100% silicone construction.
  • Eliminates OE hose failure caused by age, environmental exposure, heat and high boost pressure.
  • Available in Four Colors: BLACK | RED | BLUE | GREEN
  • Easy to install with basic hand tools.
  • Two stainless steel lined high pressure hose clamps are included

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